Friday, May 9, 2008

my front lawn

A few nights back I went to yum yum house with Nicole for a late, greasy dinner. It was within an hour of closing time so there weren't many people in the joint, with us being the last party seated. We soon find out that their lease is up and that we are the last people to eat there, ever. No more business. As we were chewing and swallowing, behind was the entire staff of the restaurant opening envelopes full of money. Eventually we got filled up and they brought on the fortune cookies. I opened mine to find a double fortune! follows: "The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days." and "Your home is a pleasant place from which you draw happiness." awwwww Then Nicole opened hers to find not one, but three! So either we were set up, or all of the MSG gods aligned the cosmos for one evening of cheap chinese food before yum yum expired.

Yesterday I passed a guy on a bicycle that I recognize from the neighborhood. This guy is bald, ripped, and always walking around hurried and shirtless with a mission. Imagine bruce willis if he lived on the streets and scavenged scrap metal. Anyhow, I pass him going about 25-30 and of course start trainspotting his bike. At first his front wheel looks pretty out of true, then as I move past I notice it is missing the tire and tube! Bruce is just hammering down the road with the sketchiest front end I have ever seen, like its his every day bike.
We all need to stop being pussies and realize that tires just get in the way of a real road ride!

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